“Back in Otoe County” is May’s offering…

“Back in Otoe County,” a collaboration by photographer Michael Farrell and former State Poet Twyla Hansen is on display May 3 – May 26.  This exhibition features 26 previously unseen images as well as a dozen of Twyla’s poems printed on high quality paper paired with small versions of the images that inspired them.

Michael Farrell’s large-format black and white landscape photographs capture scenes in rural Otoe County, many along minimum maintenance dirt roads. Twyla Hansen’s poems were inspired by the same scenes. They offer a clear-eyed assessment that stems from her rural roots and her studies and employment in organic farming certification. 

A new third edition of the previously sold-out book of 61 photographs and 30 poems “Seen in Otoe County,” will be available for sale. This signed and numbered edition includes a brief introductory essay and notes by the collaborators. Don’t wait to get your copy. This book will become a collector’s item once these have sold.

While the pictures and words depict Otoe County, Nebraska, they reflect realities in many of our nation’s rural areas. The issues and circumstances here in the heart of the heartland are found throughout farming America.


Please consider making a donation to help support the gallery. 100% of your donation will be used to assist other artists by making monthly exhibitions more affordable. And it will help us to develop connections with new audiences.  You donation is tax deductible.