Why are you opening a gallery?

I’ve been a member of the Lincoln arts community for 50 years. Through my work in public television and my personal artmaking I’ve been able to pursue creative activity and make a good life here for me and my family. By opening this gallery I’ll be able to share my artwork with our community while I’m still around to participate. And at the same time this space can be made available to other likeminded artists to show their own work.

Is this just for you or are there other artists involved?

I decided to do this when I realized that I had a large number of different bodies of work such that I could fill a gallery space with a new show every month for at least a year without repeating myself. And that if I waited for museum or gallery shows that typically happen only every few years I’d never see all the art on the walls in my lifetime. So, I decided to commit to this for at least one year. It will go longer if there are some other artists who share the vision and concept and are willing to take a few risks.

Is the art for sale?

Yes. With very few exceptions the artwork on display is available for purchase. Prices are reasonable. Inquire about any piece you are interested in. Be aware that some pieces will be vintage prints or one of a kind items and priced accordingly. Once this inventory is gone there will be no more of those items available.

Can I show my art at WallSpace-LNK?

Definitely, maybe. If you are an interested artist, we should talk and go over the details of how this could work. As a starting point I’m hoping that a few artists will consider mounting their own shows here, taking over the space for a full month. I’d ask that they cover the cost of the lease plus some operating expenses but that any sales would then accrue to them 100%. There are other options possible. To make choices I’m going to rely on myself and a couple of colleagues to determine if the proposed art would be compatible in terms of quality and vision. Get in touch to arrange a portfolio review, etc.

Why magnets?

Hanging the work with magnets means not spending money on framing. That means that the selling prices can be lower, and the buyer can frame the work how they want for their homes or offices. And the artists don’t end up with big storage issues and lots of money tied up in unsold frames. The investment is in the overall presentation space.

Do you have a philosophy behind WallSpace-LNK?

Yes. In many Great Plains indigenous cultures there was a concept called the Give-Away. A person gained respect and status not by accumulating things for him or herself but was valued for how and why they gave away their “wealth” to others. Those who had the ability took care of those in need. I’m not claiming this as the sole idea behind WallSpace-LNK but I do think that making a place where beauty, curiosity, creative endeavour, conversation and appreciation can flourish is a sort of Give-Away, especially if others find ways to participate that is economically feasible for them. If I/we can sell enough work to pay the lease and keep this idea going for more than a year it will have been worth the considerable investment in time and money to get WallSpace-LNK built and opened.

Can I rent the space for my book club, reception, or business meeting?

Yes. We can make arrangements for the space to be used for purposes like those. Depending on the event you may need to also plan for rental of tables and chairs, projectors and screens, catering, etc.  Get in touch and we’ll help with the details.

How can I support your efforts beyond buying artwork?

You could become a patron of the gallery by underwriting a particular artist’s exhibition costs or by providing regular financial support.  “This exhibition was made possible in part by the generous financial support of Mr. Good Guy, and by the White Knight Foundation.” You get the idea. Let’s talk if you believe in the project and want to help it succeed financially.

Other than that, coming to see the art, stopping in during regular hours for some conversation, leaving comments on the website or social media all are great ways to become engaged and show support. Thank you!