“Unseen & Underfoot, the Hidden Diversity of the Plains” is September’s offering.

A unique photography exhibit featuring both the above-ground and below-ground beauty and diversity of our Nebraska prairies and plains is on view
from August 31 – September 30.

Opens Thursday August 31 at noon.

Fri. Sept 1 from noon to 8pm
with a reception beginning at 5pm

Otherwise Th-Sat, Noon to 5pm during September.

The variety, strangeness and beauty of nematodes, microscopic worms present in all habitats on the planet, are featured in electron micrographs created at UN-L. Color images of above-ground prairie landscapes are paired with images of these below-ground creatures.

Dr. Tom Powers, Becky Higgins, Kris Powers, Dr. Peter Mullin, Ethan Freese & Tracy Tucker are among those contributing to the exhibition.
Viewers will learn more about research into some of the 5 million species of nematodes and their impact on plants and animal life.

Images are available for purchase at various sizes and prices.

Views include Lincoln’s Pioneers Park, the Lancaster County Prairie Corridor, Nine-Mile Prairie, Spring Creek Audubon Center near Denton, Wachiska Audubon’s Tim Knott Prairie by Omaha, Willa Cather Prairie in Red Cloud, the Switzer Ranch, Crescent Lake National Wildlife Refuge and the Alkaline Lakes in the western Nebraska Sandhills.