On view Th-Sat May 4-27 noon to 5pm
Beginner’s Mind is an installation view into the wide variety of work Michael Farrell created in the three decades of the 1960s through ‘80s.

K’s Heart Box, 1968
Michael Farrell began producing his signature assembled box constructions while a student in the late 1960s. After becoming a filmmaker, moving to Nebraska in 1972 and working professionally in public television he continued to pursue a very personal, private, and idiosyncratic artmaking practice largely hidden from public view. That changed when he had his first public exhibition in 1991. The next year he won a coveted Nebraska Arts Council’s Visual Artist Fellowship and that launched his career as a serious artist.

Shit Creek Saga, 1972
The variety and complexity of that inward-looking early work offers insight into the development of this artist’s mind. In addition to the familiar assembled objects viewers will see Jungian inspired collage, deeply personal diaristic photography, plans, drawings, and sketches for conceptual art pieces, never seen before objects and the highlight of the show: a one of a kind artist book titled Space Man is Dream Boat.

Lewd & Lustful Man, 1979
Join us for a First Friday celebration with refreshments and music from 5pm on at the gallery at 17th & Sumner. Music at 7pm by Perseid Winds (see below for details).

Magikist Series, Eros Matrix, 1971
About the 7pm music for our opening reception:
Perseid Winds is a Graduate wind quintet based at the Glenn Korff School of Music, formed in the early Fall of 2022. This group is made up of flutist, Rose Khorsandi, oboist, Joey Schrotberger, clarinetist, Emily Rose, bassoonist, Natale Francel Stone, and horn, Bradley Greathouse. Their newest project was in collaboration with many of the composers of UNL, both new and old. The call for compositions created a program of pieces outside of traditional quintet repertoire, which then begged the idea–“what if we create a concert setting outside of traditionalist means?” The culmination of these efforts will be heard in the background of WallSpace-lnk’s newest showcase, Perseid Winds looks forward to seeing you there!

First Strike’s Coup Stick, 1981